Why don’t I get to pick out my puppy?
Simply put, we know these puppies better than you do. If you meet them for an hour, you may develop opinions based on your one hour window of observation. However, an hour is never enough to really get a feel of who is who. Read: “The tragic myth of being “chosen” by a puppy”
Not only that, but Science is telling us that it is hard to test puppies to predict how they will turn out. Plus, so much will happen once the puppies leave here that will impact how they grow up.
We do our best to match puppies to their new families, based on the personality we have seen in the puppy, and your lifestyle and needs. If anyone is going to be good at predicting this, it will be your breeder. I have always allowed breeders to choose my own personal dogs, and with great success…. and I’m a DOG TRAINER!
Temperament Testing Puppies: